DeStor Blog

Why Trustlessness is a Benefit of Decentralized Storage

Written by Jennifer King | Jun 20, 2023

Decentralized storage systems have gained popularity in recent years as an alternative to traditional centralized systems. One of the key benefits of these technologies is their "trustless" nature, which eliminates the need for a central authority to govern transactions or data storage. In this blog, we'll explore why "trustlessness" is a benefit of decentralized storage.

First, let's define what we mean by "trustless." In the context of decentralized storage, trustlessness means that transactions or data storage can be validated without the need for a trusted third party. Instead, the system relies on cryptographic algorithms and distributed consensus mechanisms to ensure the validity of the transactions or data.

Now, let's dive into the benefits of trustlessness in decentralized storage.


Trustlessness provides a high level of security because it eliminates the need for a centralized point of failure. In traditional centralized systems, a hacker or malicious actor can potentially access or manipulate data by compromising the central authority. In a trustless system, data is distributed across a network of nodes, making it much harder for a single point of failure to compromise the system.


Trustlessness provides transparency by allowing anyone to validate transactions or data without the need for a central authority. This transparency builds trust between participants and ensures that the system is operating as intended. It also makes it much easier to identify and resolve issues that may arise in the system.


Trustlessness allows for true decentralization because it removes the need for a central authority to govern transactions or data storage. This means that no single entity has control over the system, which ensures that the system is more democratic and resistant to censorship or manipulation. In an environment of ever-increasing mistrust, analysts from Deloitte posited that trustless systems could help to rebuild trust.


Trustlessness can also improve efficiency by eliminating the need for intermediaries in transactions or data storage. In traditional centralized systems, intermediaries such as banks or other financial institutions add additional costs and time to transactions. With trustless systems, transactions can be completed quickly and at a lower cost since there are no intermediaries to slow down the process.


Trustless systems also encourage innovation because they provide a level playing field for developers and entrepreneurs to create new applications and services. Without the need for a central authority to approve or control access to the system, anyone can develop and deploy applications on the network. This can lead to a greater diversity of services and a more vibrant ecosystem.


Trustlessness also enables greater privacy for users because it eliminates the need for personal information to be shared with a central authority. With trustless systems, users can maintain control over their personal data and transactions without the need for a third party to be involved.

According to an estimate from the World Bank, 1 billion people do not have official proof of identity. As Claud Reeves of VMWare told Channel Daily News, "This impacts all aspects of their lives, from core needs such as banking to fundamental rights such as voting. As our lives are increasingly linked to apps, devices, and services, traditional identity systems do little to solve the industry and technical problems of identity."


The benefits of trustlessness in decentralized storage systems are clear. Trustlessness provides enhanced security, transparency, decentralization, efficiency, innovation, and privacy. As these technologies continue to evolve and mature, it is likely that trustlessness will continue to be a key selling point and a driving force behind their adoption.

Learn more about decentralized storage 

The IDC, a leading global market intelligence firm, recently conducted a Cloud Storage Survey to explore organizations’ perceptions of the drawbacks to existing public cloud storage providers; and their appetite for decentralized storage solutions.

Survey highlights:

  • Over 87% of organizations were at least somewhat concerned about public cloud provider lock-in, and more than 46% were very or extremely concerned about it.
  • 82% of enterprises indicated that cost considerations were the initial reasons to move data into the cloud
  • The value proposition of decentralized storage— lower costs with at least the same durability, availability, safety, and performance as public cloud providers today — was preferred by 89.7% of respondents

To learn more about decentralized storage, download the IDC White Paper, Making the case for Decentralized Storage, sponsored by Protocol Labs.