Seal Storage
Verifiable decentralized cloud storage. Cryptographically secured and enterprise-grade.
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Seal Storage is a decentralized cloud platform offering verifiable, affordable, and eco-friendly data storage. It caters to universities, research institutions, and businesses, adhering to the highest standards of data security and protection. All Seal data centers are enterprise-grade and powered by renewable energy. With blockchain-based security, Seal ensures immutable data records, strong encryption, and precise control, providing institutions with unparalleled data ownership and protection. Seal's infrastructure is designed to handle large data workloads and integrates seamlessly into your existing system without interrupting workflows. By switching to Seal Storage, you can take control of your data at a lower cost than traditional centralized solutions, with no egress fees.
Why Choose Seal Storage?
Seal's enterprise-grade infrastructure delivers immutable data records and fine-tuned controls,
providing businesses with unmatched data ownership and security.
Data is stored in enterprise-grade green storage centers.
Seal provides highly scalable, verifiable decentralized cloud storage that traditional providers can't match.
$5.99 TB/moBig Data
$65k PB/yr
Join the global leaders who trust Decentrally with their most important digital assets.

The Seal Storage Difference
Protect your data with low cost, compatible, verifiable decentralized cloud storage.

Effortlessly scale your storage capacity to meet your evolving needs. With no limits on data size or volume, your data is distributed across multiple nodes worldwide, eliminating single points of failure and enhancing security.

With Filecoin Network integration, each piece of information is stored in a tamper-proof block, ensuring its integrity. Say goodbye to data corruption worries with our blockchain-backed immutability.