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Protect your valuable data from ransomware attacks with the power of decentralized storage.

The DeStor Advantage for Ransomware

In the face of rising ransomware threats, securing your data has never been more critical. DeStor offers a robust,
decentralized storage solution designed to protect your organization from ransomware attacks and ensure swift
recovery if an attack occurs. Here's how DeStor can help:

Advanced Encryption

DeStor solutions employ cutting-edge encryption techniques to secure your data both at rest and in transit. This ensures that even if malicious actors intercept your data, they won't be able to decipher it.
DeStor data center technician

Decentralized Storage

By storing data across a decentralized network, DeStor minimizes single points of failure. This means that even if one node is compromised, your data remains safe and accessible from other nodes.
DeStor Data Center web3 storage

Immutable File Backups

DeStor solutions create immutable file backups of your data, preventing unauthorized modifications. This ensures that even if ransomware encrypts your current data, you can quickly restore it from an untouched backup.
DeStor data center technician

How DeStor Helps Prevent Ransomware Attacks

How DeStor Aids in Recovery

DeStor protects their most important data

Explore DeStor's Drag & Drop, S3 Cloud, and enterprise-grade solutions

DeStor now offers a suite of innovative storage solutions designed to meet the unique needs of modern organizations. Whether you're looking for the simplicity of drag-and-drop functionality, the seamless integration of S3-compatible cloud storage, or the robust security of enterprise-grade decentralized storage, DeStor has the perfect solution for you. 

Discover DeStor's suite of innovative storage solutions.

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Speak with a decentralized storage expert to solve your data challenges.